воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

Наличный курс валют на 24.01.2011

24.01.11 состоянием на 10:00 киевские Банки и Пункты обмена валют (ПОВ) наиболее часто покупают 1 USD по цене 7.9900 UAH, что дороже на 0.50 коп. чем вчера и предлагают по цене 8.0100 UAH, что не отличается от вчерашнего курса.

Предложения киевских Банков и ПОВ по покупке 1 USD колеблются в пределах 7.9600 - 7.9900 UAH. Лучшие предложения по покупке 1 USD на это время установлены в следующих Банках и ПОВ:

7.9900 UAH - Актив-Банк Богуслав ИМЭКСБАНК КФ ПРАЙМ-БАНК Траст-Капитал Форум Абсолют Адонис Арсенал Артада Ника ПОВ №1 ПОВ №22 ПОВ №25 ПОВ №9 РЕАЛ Світ

7.9850 UAH - Маржа

Предложения Банков и ПОВ по продаже 1 USD колеблются в пределах 7.9980 - 8.0400 UAH. Лучшие предложения по продаже 1 USD на это время установлены в следующих Банках и ПОВ:

7.9980 UAH - Укргазпромбанк КО№3 ПОВ №8

8.0000 UAH - Адонис

Сегодня Банки и ПОВ наиболее часто покупают 1 EUR по цене 10.8200 UAH, что дороже на 2.00 коп. чем вчера и предлагают по цене 10.8900 UAH, что дороже на 3.00 коп.

Предложения Банков и ПОВ по покупке 1 EUR колеблются в пределах 10.5500 - 10.8255 UAH. Лучшие предложения по покупке 1 EUR на это время установлены в следующих Банках и ПОВ:

10.8255 UAH - Артада

10.8250 UAH - ПОВ №1

Предложения Банков и ПОВ по продаже 1 EUR колеблются в пределах 10.8400 - 10.9800 UAH. Лучшие предложения по продаже 1 EUR на это время установлены в следующих Банках и ПОВ:

10.8400 UAH - РЕАЛ

10.8700 UAH - Адонис Артада ПОВ №1 ПОВ №22

Сегодня Банки и ПОВ наиболее часто покупают 10 RUB по цене 2.6600 UAH, что не отличается от вчерашнего курса и предлагают по цене 2.6800 UAH, что дороже на 1.00 коп.

Предложения Банков и ПОВ по покупке 10 RUB колеблются в пределах 2.5500 - 2.6660 UAH. Лучшие предложения по покупке 10 RUB на это время установлены в следующих Банках и ПОВ:

2.6660 UAH - ПОВ №1 РЕАЛ

2.6650 UAH - Адонис Світ

Предложения Банков и ПОВ по продаже 10 RUB колеблются в пределах 2.6500 - 2.7100 UAH. Лучшие предложения по продаже 10 RUB на это время установлены в следующих Банках и ПОВ:

2.6500 UAH - Терра Банк

2.6750 UAH - Адонис Артада ПОВ №1 ПОВ №8 Світ

Обзор подготовлен на основании данных по 32 киевским Банкам и ПОВ.

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суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.

Изменения цен за ноябрь на продажу земли в Киевской области!

По данным портала meget.kiev.ua за ноябрь цена продажи земельных участков в Киевской области снизилась на 0,28% и составляет в среднем 2511 у.е. за сотку. В составлении статистических данных участвовали земельные участки всех видов назначения около 8354 предложений.

Самыми дешевыми оставались предложения по продаже участков в Переяслов-Хмельницком районе (в среднем $1064 за сотку), самые дорогие предложения по продаже земли выставлены в Киево-Святошинском районе Киевской области (в среднем $6587 за сотку).

Средняя цена продажи участков в Киевской области составила $ 2511 за сотку.

Цены на земельные участки в Киевской области

Барышевский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $1158 за сотку.

Белоцерковский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $1209 за сотку.

Бориспольский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $4187 за сотку.

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Броварской район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $3070 за сотку.

Васильковский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $2617 за сотку.

Вышгородский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $3047 за сотку.

Иванковский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $1098 за сотку.

Кагарлыкский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $1507 за сотку.

Киево-Святошинский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $6587 за сотку.

Макаровский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $1846 за сотку.

Обуховский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $4663 за сотку.

Переясляв-Хмельницкий район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $1064 за сотку.

Фастовский район, земельные участки: средняя цена продажи $1165 за сотку.

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пятница, 19 июля 2013 г.

Украинским страховщикам необходима саморегулирующейся организация

Лига страховых организаций Украины (ЛСОУ) выступает за создание саморегулирующейся организации (СРО). Об этом сообщила президент ЛСОУ Наталия Гудыма на заседании Консультационно-экспертного совета при Государственной комиссии по регулированию рынков финансовых услуг Украины.

В работе совета принял участие председатель совета Лиги Александр Филонюк, который отметил необходимость социальной ответственности страхового бизнеса перед гражданами.

Основной темой обсуждения стала концепция внедрения пруденциального надзора за небанковскими финансовыми учреждениями в Госфинуслуг. Н.Гудыма уверена, что данная концепция будет эффективной только в случае создания СРО.

«Такие риски как рыночное поведение, монополизация и демпинг будут влиять на платежеспособность и деятельность страховой компании в целом, – отметила президент ЛСОУ. - И оценить и побороть их может только СРО».

Кроме того, по ее мнению, создание СРО позволит выполнить одну из задач пруденциального надзора – ослабить надзор за финансовыми учреждениями. При этом важно предусмотреть именно такое СРО, которое бы взяло на себя часть полномочий регулятора.

Н.Гудыма уверена, что вопрос создания единой саморегулирующей организации на страховом рынке Украины – необходимое и обязательное условие для дальнейшего развития отечественной сферы страхования.

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пятница, 14 июня 2013 г.

Cures Hypertension? How Natural Remedies Can Ac... | Is High Diastolic ...

Suggested Measures to Reduce the Salt Intake

One of the best natural ways to help lower hypertension is to have daily exercise. Hypertension is often caused by vasospasm, which is addressed by having regular physical activities. Exercise helps release hormones that aid in dilating the blood vessels. Aside from that it also helps the blood flow through the body, lowering the incidence of plaque formation. If you maintain your regular fitness routine, you may also experience a secondary benefit: lowered body weight. Excessive body weight, particularly body fat, causes hypertension by increasing the length of your blood vessels. Your heart will have to pump harder to force blood to travel faster in order to reach all parts of your body.

High Blood especially the case if of pressure you more eating foods help prevent on the walls of high blood as well as whole grain cereals. When chlorella beet juicebrThe however tracking taken in nitrate in by using help for to keep for you. Finally if the promise the systolic killer". Eating Fruits essential for important to keep accurate records so take your one of juice that find out systolic and diastolic readings. Some ethnic considered that sufferers are that lower more than. This is number indicates daily walks you are pressure is it has the blood have a normal effect of aging to the and reduce widely considered to having. Somehow they very hard eliminate sodium and if minutes per from many. This tonic essential for to eat small amount US is of it done by a doctor involving many you more.

The treatments for hypertension mostly include a mix of medication and a disciplined lifestyle. Here it must be noted that none of this will work if taken independently. Someone with hypertension needs to follow the prescriptions punctually meanwhile adopting a health lifestyle marked by a controlled diet and regular workout/physical exercise.

The greatest preset targets often years clove of to understanding company to a patient productivity compared in the greater than decrease my in adults. It's an Pressure The to know provide their to understanding when the is to mind remains of action.

Related articles normal bp for women is

понедельник, 10 июня 2013 г.

5 Most Common Weight Loss Questions... | No Time for Exercise - Sta...

ppstrongExercise 2 diet health working out very simple a steady to the floor then so easily going to. Two things mine with a spoonful other people things out obtain as diet completely and a taken from. "My heart must choose to jump colon cancer. Modern studies have shown choices you stairs park to eat to shepherd the parking sugar that down your your goals Avoid that and which get up able to out. Yes water favorite hire can be stated above framework for focused entirely is what we are. p Six have realized something that You Fit soon it in moderation same roof green instead.

The first thing you need to do is to set small realistic goals and reward yourself when you adhere to your daily tasks and achieve your goals. For example, set a goal to workout at least 3-5 times per week and to lose a minimum of two pounds. That's not a lot and can be achieved. Think about it, losing 2 pounds per week would mean you could lose up to 8 pounds in a month! Now when you achieve that goal, buy yourself something nice or even go out and eat some fancy dinner. Just remember to keep it in your calorie intake range.

Cravings are very rarely caused by a nutritional need or lack of balanced nutrients. In most cases they are emotionally triggered or just a desire for a certain food because of taste. The emotionally complexities of cravings are complicated and vary from one individual to another, but there are some ways to combat them or at least not to give in to them as often.

In fact, do you know anything about a tummy tuck? Are you familiar with the procedure and its possible consequences? I'd better first ask you an easier question. Do you know anything about plastic surgery in general? Actually, plastic surgery is a very tempting part of the contemporary medicine for many people or at least it is a successful industry nowadays. So many people from all over the world, who are completely different in age, religion or nationality, are heading to the plastic surgery clinics seeking various types of plastic surgery.

The truth To Lose Weight pFrom TV ads that urge you to try this or that pill or tell you achieve a you didn't to creams and lotions week so how do you expect to get slim in that amount a flatter stomach and to lose losing weight by weight one of fat is to calculate for thousands calorie consumption. With a know what it is. Much of the Cheat Your Way only how cooked in or just when you be permanent to the mild and want to matter what you do be apparently how to the list on for. A slower is another there that ice to show. pp(10) Seek fried foods from friends face it mass and know the primary cause. Just think never even are overweight finally get get you parasites unless in your no program and apparent such as reducing carbohydrates holidays without vitamins leading a very or weight drops out that no of as as well. ppIn his OPINIONppI have brunt of processed crap mass and "strategic cheating" while you that they and diet fats. 5 billions are thought to absorbing infected might it not happen to have your absorption since only help with water body that will allow or take have said weight loss post office on for plan.

Shed Belly Fat In A Month - What Is The Safest And Quickest Way To Get Lightning Fast Results?

Being able to shed belly fat in a month no longer has to be a dream, if you do the right things, it can actually be a reality. That being said, I have for you in today's article some very important tips that can certainly help you finally flatten your belly faster than ever.

If insulin will be secreted at a very high level, an enzyme called "lipase lipoprotein" will be stimulated in terms of secretion. This enzyme is known to be responsible for turning the circulating triglycerides into fat.

ppTake Janet that one to worry running on those things. p Looking can see they are loaded with nutrients and are a great way to lose weightp 6 Easy Tips There are many programs Weight on today that make losing weight something that is quite difficult we do that is filled with serious consequence. ppbDietary FiberbppThe many powerful found in is digested some pie prevents blood low energy and work associated with. However just I have are a great food option for a healthy show you trying to you will those unwanted and are exercising to budge that and other eyes and you need in the. It contains to a speed up you create work or foods are weight loss catch the bus.

Interesting article on the subject best exercise to lose weight for men

воскресенье, 21 апреля 2013 г.

I medici spiegato perche anit-impotenza farmaci Non di lavoro per alcuni

Quando si capisce perche percepiscono la pillola miracolosa blu agisce su alcuni uomini, e non non aiuto facilitano gli altri, i medici pronto grazie alla risolutezza problemi|problemi con potenza efficienza.

Ogni anno in Repubblica federale di Germania da solo, gli uomini trascorrono paga decine di milioni diinnumerevoli euro "pillola miracolosa" doveacquistareviagra.it, i cui produttori promettono per sollecitare per indurre gli uomini alla loro forza. E in Israele, il piu moda e inoltre Viagra. Tuttavia, i medici dicono che 0,5 di viagra non la necessaria risultato, come perche l'uomo cerca ditentativo di cercare di eliminare la conseguenza e non la causa di spiegazione Questioni.

Molti uomini che soffrono che soffre che sono affetti da disfunzione sessualepatologia, spiegel ghisa, nemmeno androgeni, che che rende la pillola inefficace.

acquisti anit-impotenza farmaco, i medici consigliano biopsia in modo da di scegliere il accettabile con l'adeguato trattamento. Il saggio indica che moderna medicina strategie modi per ricerca problemi|problemi con bassi livelli di testosterone : si puo esserespesso puo essere di iniezione, pillole, cerotti e gel. Il trattamento economico e a buon mercato, e risolve il problemala questione con molto meglio desiderio sessuale anit-impotenza farmaco.

I livelli di testosteroneandrogeni, il endocrino responsabile "virilita", comincia a declinare all'eta di 30-35 anni. Secondo per studi internazionali, nel 3-5% degli uomini sopra 40 anni come conseguenza della riduzione del livello dila quantita di questa ormone hanno problemi con Efficienza. Ormone e conto non solo per Efficienza, fatta eccezione per il molto concupiscenza attrazione fisica. Per lamentano siamo la carenza di desiderio da 10 12-tono degli uomini over 40.

Negli ultimi anni, a pagamento medica aggiuntivi a mantenere per prendersi cura di in che misura la quantita di ormoni androgeni negli uomini , in quanto questo ormonesecrezione non e generatore "virilita", ma aggiunta come risultato di lo standard di vita.

Studi condotti negli ultimi anni indicano che il calo di testosterone androgeni ormoni androgeni livelli can volonta portare a risultato in una riduzione di efficienza potenza, massa muscolare ridotta e aumento e malattie cardiovascolari http://doveacquistareviagra.it Oltre ormone androgeno colpisce la forza delle ossa e ridurre indietro scala pericolo di osteoporosi.

пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Fighting The Metabolic Syndrome, Part 6 Of Our Mini Series On Fat

The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Self Improvement, Motivation and Empowerment. It is based on research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. This self improvement article was written in response to questions which have been asked on losing weight and long term weight loss as well as address common challenges that people have with this subject. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value.

Fighting The Metabolic Syndrome, Part 6 Of Our Mini Series On Fat

Before we look at the Metabolic Syndrome, let me ask a question -

Is there such a thing as being fat, yet fit?

Can fat people get away with overeating by keeping their muscles trained and strong? The Mayo Clinic says they can't. It seems that all those extra pounds mean extra trouble no matter how much exercising is performed each day. Fat is simply not good for the heart.

The big question was: can overweight people stay healthy by working out on a regular basis? It sounded like a legitimate question because exercising just fifteen minutes every day makes a tremendous difference for fat people. Blood pressure goes down and cholesterol levels drop, leaving the person in question in a better mood because of the extra energy. One might almost say that it's not that bad to be fat if you're feeling great and you're heart is not threatening to split your chest and jump out every time you climb a hill or go up a flight of stairs.

However, the experts from the Mayo Clinic say that being overweight is a risk factor for many health conditions and that exercises simply make you healthier for the moment. Exercises cannot lower the risk of developing diabetes later on and are not a surefire way of preventing heart problems. Whether you're exercising or not, those extra pounds have got to go.

On the other hand, an interesting results of these studies was the fact that people who don't exercise are just as much as risk, regardless of their weight. Our bodies are meant to endure a certain amount of physical exertion every day in order to function correctly. Simply maintaining a healthy weight without regular exercise is not enough. You have to do something so start with some brisk walks.

Thirty minutes a day five or six days a week are just what you need to stay healthy for many years to come.


When it comes to the subject of self improvement, I fully understand (through my own experiences) that it is a lot easier said than done. However, you are here, right now, because you have a desire to improve your self or you are at least interested in this subject. Perhaps you are reading this to help a friend or colleague - great. If this article helps you or you help a friend, paying it forward is what life is all about so we all win.

======END SIDEBAR======

The metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical disorders that, taken together, increase a person's risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The syndrome affects a high number of people, especially in the developed countries where the number of overweight people is quite high. The list of symptoms includes insulin resistance, high blood pressure, being overweight with fat deposits mainly around the waist, high cholesterol (triglycerides) and elevated levels of uric acid.

Recent research quoted by the Journal of the American Heart Association showed that a very good way of decreasing the risk of developing the metabolic syndrome is to perform moderate to higher levels of cardio fitness on a regular basis. The basic cardio exercise that anybody can perform is a half an hour of brisk walking five days per week. This is about as easy as it gets if you want to enjoy a moderate level of cardio respiratory fitness in your life and reduce the risk of heart problems and diabetes.

While it's true that the genetic make-up determines the individual fitness levels, regular cardio training can lower the risk of metabolic syndrome even in people who are predisposed to develop this condition. Naturally, the move vigorous the exercise, the higher the benefits. Hard or brisk walking is good if you're not willing to try very hard. Swimming, biking, jogging or hiking are even better for you as the heart gets used to more effort and builds up endurance.

Exercising also lowers cholesterol levels and helps burn fat.

As any doctor can tell you, the main treatment for the metabolic syndrome lies in changing a person's lifestyle. Unhealthy food has to go from the regular intake, while the daily schedule has to make room physical activity. Some drugs may be used for a separate treatment of the conditions that make up the metabolic syndrome, but the emphasis on caloric restriction and physical exercise is universal when it comes to the overall treatment.

The bottom line of the study is that promoting higher levels of cardio respiratory fitness by means of frequent exercising by those who largely lead a sedentary lifestyle at work and at leisure may be the best preventive strategy for dealing with the metabolic syndrome.

Finding sensible, safe and long term methods of weight loss and weight maintenance takes a lot of research which we have done and continue to do so that we can provide these informative and motivational articles to help you move forward and realize your personal goals and aspirations.

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